Thank you Heart 104.9 fm, Thank you Cape Town

We’d like to thank the Heart breakfast team for the opportunity to share our story on air yesterday. 

The interview was exquisitely handled by Aden Thomas and the topic was given the attention it deserves. We have been inundated with calls and messages by people, asking how to support their partners, what the signs are to  look out for and where to get help. There is so much to discuss, from the medication stock outs to mental health issues in the workplace to stigma. But we hope the conversation will continue on Heart 104.9 fm but also on the streets, in homes and in the workplace. Here’s the link to the conversation we had. 

Myself, Yvette Hess and Ilze Gopal, just two girls who live with bipolar disorder were invited to discuss living with the condition. But together with a few other members (The Blahpolar and Charlotte Wessels), we form OLE, Our Lived Experience. We are an online form of support. We curate local news, articles and stories of real people living with mental illness, more specifically, bipolar disorder. 

We also work with SADAG – The South African Depression and Anxiety Group and refer our callers accordingly. We are often invited to events as part of their support group counsellors network. 

That’s in short who we are. 

We would like to extend an invitation to you, reader, to familiarize yourself with our site. Explore the links. Check out what we are all about. Enter our giveaway! (Competition ends the 6th May) And most importantly, keep the faith. A good life is possible. 

Thanks for stopping by. 


-OLE Team

2 responses to “Thank you Heart 104.9 fm, Thank you Cape Town

  1. I’m incredibly proud of you for doing this!!!!! I haven’t listened to the broadcast yet, but I will. Marilla has had pneumonia the past 5 days, her sister had it before that. I’m behind on everything and pretty much want to run away! ;) But on a much brighter note I’m absolutely amazed by your strength and the fact that you did this – this is so wonderful, and it’s only the beginning of your career, sweetness- I bet you’ll be on TV next! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

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