Our Story

‘Our Lived Experience’ (OLE) aims to defy the stigma surrounding mental illness in South Africa. It does so by celebrating the life stories people with mental illness lead every day. We educate with facts but also acknowledge the wisdoms that lie within. Here, we celebrate knowledge that lives within one’s life experience.

We share to enrich one another, to empower one another.

Although our main drive is to tackle the major stigma issue South Africans face, we will be sharing stories and experiences from other countries too.

We accept stories and forms of art- as long as you attach a blurb that gives us and the readership the message the art depicts.

Disclaimer: We are not medical professionals and do not proclaim that any advice on this site to be followed without consulting your doctor or psychiatrist.

All stories received are completely confidential and we offer you the opportunity to share anonymously- as we respect your right to privacy too.

When you’re ready, email: ourlivedexperience@gmail.com

In case of an emergency, and you need someone to talk to, call SADAG:
SMS- 31393

There’s always help.

There’s always hope.

-The OLE team

4 responses to “Our Story

  1. I love the name “Our Lived Experience”! And more importantly, I love this site. We need resources such as this one to provide hope, inspiration and as a welcoming creative outlet to those of us living with mental illness . Thank you so much for leading the way in South Africa and affecting the rest of the Earth as well!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for popping in Sue :) truer words have never been uttered: we are not alone. We would like to do our best to change that for as many as we can.

      Do stay in touch!

      OLE Team

      Liked by 1 person

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